(816) 533-6476, Liberty; (913) 712-0331, Olathe
We are here for YOU
Champion your child: Your child is wonderfully made with unique gifts and talents. Discover them, protect them from criticism, and nurture them. We will identify your child’s strengths while helping them to feel valued. Although others may focus on deficits, we use a strengths-based approach.
Quality clinical skill and technique: Our professionals are specifically trained to assess, treat, and advocate for your child. We are committed to our own education and training to provide the best outcome to our clients.
Individualized assessment and treatment plans: We do not believe in prescribed “cookie-cutter” methodologies for addressing concerns. Each individual case is approached based on presenting concerns, behavioral observation, and semi-structured interview.
Data-driven results: Prior to your first appointment, you will be providing data to help track your child’s progress. Thinking that your child is doing better is not the same as knowing it. Have confidence derived from data that your child is improving.
Value and transparency: That’s right! We value “value.” You should not find out how much an appointment or assessment costs when you get the bill in the mail. The costs for all of our services are discussed prior to the service and you will get a great deal.
Context and systems: Individuals are influenced by context and we carefully consider the variables that impact learners. We are also embedded in systems (e.g., school, family, neighborhood, church), which inform the ways we learn. Our team honors diversity of context and systems.
Advocacy: Let us come alongside you in the journey to optimal learning ability. We want to be a part of your team!